Where to find our Rain Barrels

Our customers; past and present


City of Airdrie, Recycling Depot, 15 East Lake Hill

Calgary,  Ecostore  – www.greencalgary.org/ecostore

Cochrane, Cochrane Environmental Action Committee (CEAC) – www.cochrane-environment.org

Red Deer, Kerry Wood Nature Centre (Waskasoo Environmental Education Society) www.waskasooenvironmental.homestead.com

Old Wives Watershed, Gravelbourg,  Saskatchewan

South East Alberta Watershed Alliance, Medicine Hat

Town of Carstairs

Town of Coaldale

Town of Didsbury

Town of High River

Town of Innesfail

City of Lacombe 

Town of Okotoks

Town of Olds

Town of Pincher Creek

Ponoka – Ponoka Lions Club

Town of Stavely

Town of Strathmore

Town of Turner Valley